Range Fund Match July 29 & 30 2006
The Range Fund match for 2006 was interesting for a number of reasons. I really thought there'd be a lot more shooters out to this event. Where were you guys? Ya know the weatherman never gets it totally right! Saturday started off very nicely and then it got ugly! The rain that was coming down was incredible at one point. All I can remember during that relay was trying to look through my scope and not being able to see the targets down range because first it was raining so hard and second there were just too many dots which looked like bulls-eyes on my scope's eyepiece. And all of this was happening at the same time John Brooks was saying to carry on! A few seconds after hearing this I move off the line and saw several others doing the same. After a few minutes. actually it was more than a few we were able to return to finish our strings. There was enough of a time delay that we were allowed an extra sighting shot. I certainly made a bit of a mess of things in that last relay on Saturday. Norm Barber naturally being the weatherman that he is took serious advantage of this skill to come off the line 10 points up on me! Though he had it tougher on Sunday he still managed to hang in there for the grand agg. but hey I managed to pick a few of those white envelops on Sunday.
On Sunday I thought there was going to be a repeat of Saturday because all around the area during the night serious weather things were happening. But as luck would have it Sunday was a very nice day and there were intervals where the wind was. well actually it wasn't there for a good portion of the day! I guess that depended on which relay you were on. Certainly during the morning for the first two relays I didn't hear the usual grumblings. Then we struck gold at 1000 in the afternoon and even our residence weatherman suffered some crop damage... I mean v-bull damage!
The prize giving ceremonies took place after the match and I guess a few guys forgot about it and left too early. and some of them won some money which Steve quickly said he would hold it for them. I don't remember much of that as I was dog tired. I think I've listed it right though and I only listed the grand agg winners. We had a bunch of individual winners too.
It was also nice to Roy Ginn out to this match. He's had some pretty good knee surgery by the way he was shooting for someone who hasn't been on the line in awhile was good, very good. And I just have to mention Don McGinnis who was kinda my shooting partner over the two days. Don that was certianly some nice shooting you pulled off in that last relay, of the last, match on the lat day! As promised Kamran I've spelt your name right. probably messed up someone's though!
Congratulations to all the winners. A big thank you to John Brooks and the Target Crew especially during the weather we had on Saturday.
The Range Fund match for 2006 was interesting for a number of reasons. I really thought there'd be a lot more shooters out to this event. Where were you guys? Ya know the weatherman never gets it totally right! Saturday started off very nicely and then it got ugly! The rain that was coming down was incredible at one point. All I can remember during that relay was trying to look through my scope and not being able to see the targets down range because first it was raining so hard and second there were just too many dots which looked like bulls-eyes on my scope's eyepiece. And all of this was happening at the same time John Brooks was saying to carry on! A few seconds after hearing this I move off the line and saw several others doing the same. After a few minutes. actually it was more than a few we were able to return to finish our strings. There was enough of a time delay that we were allowed an extra sighting shot. I certainly made a bit of a mess of things in that last relay on Saturday. Norm Barber naturally being the weatherman that he is took serious advantage of this skill to come off the line 10 points up on me! Though he had it tougher on Sunday he still managed to hang in there for the grand agg. but hey I managed to pick a few of those white envelops on Sunday.
On Sunday I thought there was going to be a repeat of Saturday because all around the area during the night serious weather things were happening. But as luck would have it Sunday was a very nice day and there were intervals where the wind was. well actually it wasn't there for a good portion of the day! I guess that depended on which relay you were on. Certainly during the morning for the first two relays I didn't hear the usual grumblings. Then we struck gold at 1000 in the afternoon and even our residence weatherman suffered some crop damage... I mean v-bull damage!
The prize giving ceremonies took place after the match and I guess a few guys forgot about it and left too early. and some of them won some money which Steve quickly said he would hold it for them. I don't remember much of that as I was dog tired. I think I've listed it right though and I only listed the grand agg winners. We had a bunch of individual winners too.
It was also nice to Roy Ginn out to this match. He's had some pretty good knee surgery by the way he was shooting for someone who hasn't been on the line in awhile was good, very good. And I just have to mention Don McGinnis who was kinda my shooting partner over the two days. Don that was certianly some nice shooting you pulled off in that last relay, of the last, match on the lat day! As promised Kamran I've spelt your name right. probably messed up someone's though!
Congratulations to all the winners. A big thank you to John Brooks and the Target Crew especially during the weather we had on Saturday.