Kingston Matches July 17-18 2007
The ORA summer Match held on the Barriefield Range at CFB Kingston on July 17th & 18th, 2006 was successfully completed. First off I would like to thank Dave Steed for his flawlessly organized two day match. We had a total of seventeen competitors and two fawns participating. There were eleven F-class shooters and six TR shooters. We shot four distances on Saturday and three distances on Sunday.
Before I forget I would like to give a double compliments to Pat Vamplew and the target crew in the pits. They once again went above and beyond the call of duty on Sunday to allow the target shooters to do all three relays scheduled for the day one after the other without a full lunch break! Because of this we finished early on Sunday and everyone was able to get an early start home before the traffic rush. Thank you very much ladies and thank you Pat!
Now for the good stuff!
Peter Westlake won the TR portion of the matches with a 442 43V grand aggregate Faisal Rahman came in second with a 440 39V total. Peter Hornsby was first in the expert class 438 29V and Gary Bendik was second with 435 35V. Bruce Bullock came first on Saturday with 247 26V but wasn’t around to complete on Sunday. The Horn racked up another win on Saturday with 242 16V.
John Tetlow won the grand aggregate for F-class with a total of 523 points. Nice shooting John! Gord Ogg continued to prove that you don’t need a 6.5/284 with his second place finish and Leo D’Amour finished 3rd. Jim Thomson finished first in F-class factory.
I was asked to type up the scores and you’ll find them displayed below. I hope I’ve got everything correct. Though the temptation to change a few of the scores was high but not quite as high as the fire index at Borden I refrained from doing so as these things have a tendency to come back and bite you at a later date!
We had a couple of cease fires due to two playful fawns who came running onto the range. Least the stoppages weren’t due to “boats in the impact area!” The weather was great too!
Norm Barber’s efforts in the middle of the range on Saturday was apparently hampered by some kind of weird wind vortex. On Sunday Norm moved into the “Honey Hole” on the left side of the range hoping to prove his theory. Well Kamran and I could have told him it wasn’t going to happen as we paid some pretty good coin to the weather gods to have them move the vortex to the outer fringes of the range while we repositioned ourselves towards the center of the range!
Bob Pastor over the two day event proved that the fat wheels on his new color coordinated 450 kilogram knock-off of the Red Ryder wagon did indeed rotate!
Yours truly had a visitation from “puff the magic dragon” on Saturday with a return appearance on Sunday. On Saturday at 500 yards shot #11 didn’t make it to the target. On Sunday during the second 600 yard match, shot # 8 didn’t make it to the target. Leo… boy do I have a deal on Amax’s for you! Anybody got the phone number for Hornady? I might need that!
John Kajfes
The ORA summer Match held on the Barriefield Range at CFB Kingston on July 17th & 18th, 2006 was successfully completed. First off I would like to thank Dave Steed for his flawlessly organized two day match. We had a total of seventeen competitors and two fawns participating. There were eleven F-class shooters and six TR shooters. We shot four distances on Saturday and three distances on Sunday.
Before I forget I would like to give a double compliments to Pat Vamplew and the target crew in the pits. They once again went above and beyond the call of duty on Sunday to allow the target shooters to do all three relays scheduled for the day one after the other without a full lunch break! Because of this we finished early on Sunday and everyone was able to get an early start home before the traffic rush. Thank you very much ladies and thank you Pat!
Now for the good stuff!
Peter Westlake won the TR portion of the matches with a 442 43V grand aggregate Faisal Rahman came in second with a 440 39V total. Peter Hornsby was first in the expert class 438 29V and Gary Bendik was second with 435 35V. Bruce Bullock came first on Saturday with 247 26V but wasn’t around to complete on Sunday. The Horn racked up another win on Saturday with 242 16V.
John Tetlow won the grand aggregate for F-class with a total of 523 points. Nice shooting John! Gord Ogg continued to prove that you don’t need a 6.5/284 with his second place finish and Leo D’Amour finished 3rd. Jim Thomson finished first in F-class factory.
I was asked to type up the scores and you’ll find them displayed below. I hope I’ve got everything correct. Though the temptation to change a few of the scores was high but not quite as high as the fire index at Borden I refrained from doing so as these things have a tendency to come back and bite you at a later date!
We had a couple of cease fires due to two playful fawns who came running onto the range. Least the stoppages weren’t due to “boats in the impact area!” The weather was great too!
Norm Barber’s efforts in the middle of the range on Saturday was apparently hampered by some kind of weird wind vortex. On Sunday Norm moved into the “Honey Hole” on the left side of the range hoping to prove his theory. Well Kamran and I could have told him it wasn’t going to happen as we paid some pretty good coin to the weather gods to have them move the vortex to the outer fringes of the range while we repositioned ourselves towards the center of the range!
Bob Pastor over the two day event proved that the fat wheels on his new color coordinated 450 kilogram knock-off of the Red Ryder wagon did indeed rotate!
Yours truly had a visitation from “puff the magic dragon” on Saturday with a return appearance on Sunday. On Saturday at 500 yards shot #11 didn’t make it to the target. On Sunday during the second 600 yard match, shot # 8 didn’t make it to the target. Leo… boy do I have a deal on Amax’s for you! Anybody got the phone number for Hornady? I might need that!
John Kajfes