Kingston Match September 2004
I never shot Kingston before so I was pretty excited about doing the matches there. The weather was great. A little cooler, but that’s kinda natural for this time of the year. What a switchy place! It reminds me of Ottawa without the groundhogs. Ottawa and I don’t get along. The winds at Kingston are tough to read. One minute it’s coming right at you then it swtiches from left to right and just when you think you’ve got it figured out it whips around and comes from right to left. We had some gusts that got up to about 10 mph then dropped off quickly. In any case whatever condition you picked to shoot in didn’t last long. I like the range and plan to go to more matches there. The usual ringers were in the crowd here. Folks like Pastor, Barber and yes that includes Jim Thompson.! He really doesn’t miss much with that .223 of his! Even Leo showed up for this match. It was pretty uneventful in the beginning. I mean we hadn’t even started the first match when Norm Barber decided to put on a gymnastics show with some kinda flip to the ground. Gear was going in every direction, Bob’s cart flipped over along with Norm’s body! Final result for Norm was a slight bruise on the forehead. Luckily we didn’t have to pay for these festivities! So that’s how it started off. I just couldn’t get my act together and started dropping Vs. It got worse as I shot a number of my infamous 4s! Serious leakers, as I call them. I started with a complete miss on my first sighter at 300 yards. My second sighter was a V which I naturally converted and then my second on score shot went vertical right out to the 4 dead centre above the bullseye woah. So that’s how it started for me. Norm didn’t get going in the first match either. I was scoring for him and a number of 4s showed up on his card. I remember Heinz had a few bullets that decided they didn’t want to make the complete trip downrange turning into puffs of smoke or it was something to do with his primers. Pull the trigger, click, then nothing. Apparently he had a number of these. Better you than me Heinz! Missing was Mr. V, Terry Perkins. Possibly took me up on my suggestion that he should spend more time watching TV, or shopping with the wife but he really was probably working or on his way to Butner? Nah that’s not happening yet... In any case we had a great time with no rain, over both days wow! I’ve been forgetting my camera lately so I haven’t been taking any pictures. Least I’m not forgetting any of my gear.
I never shot Kingston before so I was pretty excited about doing the matches there. The weather was great. A little cooler, but that’s kinda natural for this time of the year. What a switchy place! It reminds me of Ottawa without the groundhogs. Ottawa and I don’t get along. The winds at Kingston are tough to read. One minute it’s coming right at you then it swtiches from left to right and just when you think you’ve got it figured out it whips around and comes from right to left. We had some gusts that got up to about 10 mph then dropped off quickly. In any case whatever condition you picked to shoot in didn’t last long. I like the range and plan to go to more matches there. The usual ringers were in the crowd here. Folks like Pastor, Barber and yes that includes Jim Thompson.! He really doesn’t miss much with that .223 of his! Even Leo showed up for this match. It was pretty uneventful in the beginning. I mean we hadn’t even started the first match when Norm Barber decided to put on a gymnastics show with some kinda flip to the ground. Gear was going in every direction, Bob’s cart flipped over along with Norm’s body! Final result for Norm was a slight bruise on the forehead. Luckily we didn’t have to pay for these festivities! So that’s how it started off. I just couldn’t get my act together and started dropping Vs. It got worse as I shot a number of my infamous 4s! Serious leakers, as I call them. I started with a complete miss on my first sighter at 300 yards. My second sighter was a V which I naturally converted and then my second on score shot went vertical right out to the 4 dead centre above the bullseye woah. So that’s how it started for me. Norm didn’t get going in the first match either. I was scoring for him and a number of 4s showed up on his card. I remember Heinz had a few bullets that decided they didn’t want to make the complete trip downrange turning into puffs of smoke or it was something to do with his primers. Pull the trigger, click, then nothing. Apparently he had a number of these. Better you than me Heinz! Missing was Mr. V, Terry Perkins. Possibly took me up on my suggestion that he should spend more time watching TV, or shopping with the wife but he really was probably working or on his way to Butner? Nah that’s not happening yet... In any case we had a great time with no rain, over both days wow! I’ve been forgetting my camera lately so I haven’t been taking any pictures. Least I’m not forgetting any of my gear.

Vamplew and Bob Pastor were the Winners at Kingston Annual in