Ontario Rifle Association Sierra 300 yd
The match was held under a clear sky with moderate temperatures and light winds, a perfect day for shooting. It was a busy day at Mons as the combined attendance for the ORA Introductory Day, the Swiss Match and the Sierra 300 yard Championship was over 60 shooters. The Sierra 300 yard Championship continues to be popular, with bullets generously donated by Sierra, distributed to the winners. Thanks to all who helped the day to go smoothly. A special thanks to Tim Kagetsu for running the range and looking after the RSO duties.
The match was held under a clear sky with moderate temperatures and light winds, a perfect day for shooting. It was a busy day at Mons as the combined attendance for the ORA Introductory Day, the Swiss Match and the Sierra 300 yard Championship was over 60 shooters. The Sierra 300 yard Championship continues to be popular, with bullets generously donated by Sierra, distributed to the winners. Thanks to all who helped the day to go smoothly. A special thanks to Tim Kagetsu for running the range and looking after the RSO duties.

Barber getting his share of the Sierra goodies from cigar smoking
Des Vamplew and also receives the f-class plaque.
Heck even I managed to score some of these pills. Thanks Des!
It was also my fist experience with what they call a count-back which pushed me from a second place finish into third thanks to John Ingoldsby photo on left! But hey we all had a good time! It was a terrific day at Mons.
Heck even I managed to score some of these pills. Thanks Des!
It was also my fist experience with what they call a count-back which pushed me from a second place finish into third thanks to John Ingoldsby photo on left! But hey we all had a good time! It was a terrific day at Mons.